Send nudes? We’re sending thousands.

It started as a clever pun. Send nudes – like, you know, nude bras. But once we started getting deeper into what a “Send Nudes” campaign might look like, we realized there was a lot to unpack here. Are we against sending naked photos of yourself, we thought? Actually, no. We’re all for it. What we are against are the men who, completely unsolicited, ask for these photos and when denied, may act irrationally and sometimes downright nasty.

After some research, we learned that requesting nude photos is a common tool sex traffickers use to target teens. Traffickers find teens or children on social media who seem like they need someone to talk to – their posts seem “moody” or “depressed” – and reach out to them offering support. Once gaining their trust, they will often ask the victim to send nude photos, promising to keep them private. The sexting quickly turns into sextortion (basically online blackmail) threatening to share the photos with their friends and family unless the trafficker gets what they want.

We realized the “Send Nudes” campaign could be more than women taking back the right to send or not to send whatever photos they want. It could do social good. That’s why we teamed up with Free the Girls – an organization that empowers girls rescued from sex trafficking, by providing a safe and powerful economic opportunity through the second-hand bra market.

Harper Wilde Send Nudes

Starting Tuesday, January 23rd, women can post their funniest “Send Nudes” response to Instagram with the hashtag #HarperWildeSendsNudes or comment on our Instagram post on @HarperWilde__ with their best response. For each response we receive, we will donate one bra to Free the Girls. And from February 7-14, we’ll donate another bra for every one purchased on our website.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a woman’s DM inbox without a “U got pics?” message in it. According to a (completely unofficial but probably still very accurate) online poll we ran, 61% of respondents said they have received an unwanted request to send nudes, with 38% saying they receive these messages on average 1-2 times per month.

“I used to get them all the time. It was only after I started posting pics of my boyfriend I think I became ‘too human’ or something and they stopped,” said Meaghan, a marketing manager from Los Angeles.

“Crazy that these guys assume if you’re single you’re fair game for whatever they want to send you.”

When requests for nudes are unexpected and unwanted, it can make the receiver feel anything from annoyed to embarrassed to violated.

“If you ask me for nudes unsolicited I’m going to be wildly offended. Where did that come from? Can you get to know me first? Why does how my body looks without clothes matter so much?” said Alayna, a visual manager from St. Louis.

Because these unwelcome messages can be unfortunately frequent, many women are choosing to use humor to combat them. By turning it into a funny exchange, we’re able to turn the conversation from a total violation to something similar to mild heartburn – like how you feel after chugging champagne and running through an airport (not suggested).

Harper Wilde Send Nudes

Katy Wellhousen, Harper Wilde’s Director of Marketing and Growth, had this exchange on Twitter.

By responding with humor, women are finding that they’re able to re-own the conversation by turning the shame back on the harasser.

“The strongest argument in favour of feminist humour, though, is the enormous effect to which it can be used. Laughing at a problem doesn’t just mean avoiding or belittling it – it can be one of the most powerful and effective ways to expose and tackle it,” wrote Laura Bates for The Guardian on how women choose to respond to unsolicited messages.

That’s why this Valentine’s Day we’re taking back “Send Nudes” and doing something good with it in the process. Get your screenshot finger ready and start posting your best responses to unwelcome demands for photos with #HarperWildeSendsNudes – we’ll be sharing the best ones on Instagram now until Valentine’s Day. You’ll be helping make a difference for victims of sex trafficking, and getting in a good jab at those guys in your DMs.

Send nudes? We’re sending thousands.

About Harper Wilde

Harper Wilde started with one simple question: “Why are bras so damn expensive?” Instead of finding an answer, they ran into more questions: why is the bra industry so over-sexualized? Why do bras have so many embellishments? As the questions piled up, so too did their passion to change the bra industry.

With the goal of empowering women with fairly-priced, quality bras, Jane and Jenna, who met while earning their MBAs at Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, talked to hundreds of women to determine what features women want and need in a bra, and which ones they don’t. Working with renowned intimates designers, they created everyday bras that match a woman’s real needs.

Harper Wilde is about way more than just lifting up “the ladies”. At Harper Wilde, Jenna and Jane believe a strong, empowered woman is the product of an educated young girl. Yet, there  are over 31 million school-age girls without access to education, and women make up over two-thirds the number of illiterate adults. Making sure the prices of our bras are fair was a top priority for them, but they also wanted to do more to create an equal playing field for women on a broader scale. That’s why they’re donating a portion of our profits to girls’ education. For each additional year spent in primary school, a girl’s future earnings rises 10-20%.

About Free the Girls

Free The Girls is an international non-profit organization devoted to coming alongside sex trafficking survivors with a path to true freedom. It’s a journey from horrific trauma to reintegrating into the life they were meant to live within their family and community. Their goal for true freedom is measured by economic freedom, restored health, social well-being, education, and opportunity for a different, hopeful future.

Free the Girls partners with those who have a heart for victims of trafficking. With holistic reintegration programs and economic opportunity through bras, the organization offers the opportunity for these women to empower themselves to change the trajectory of their lives.

By donating your new or gently used bras, you’re giving economic opportunity that these women use to change their lives. Your financial donation helps survivors of human trafficking start their own businesses selling bras in their local second-hand clothing markets while they recover and build their new life. Free the Girls accepts both new and gently used bras of all sizes and styles, including sports bras, nursing bras, and camisoles.

13 Inspiring Quotes from Total Girl Bosses

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! As we look back on the past year, the Harper Wilde team has a ton to be thankful for. Our launch. The amazing support we received. Our partnership with Glamour and The Girl Project. Our new referral program. The list goes on and on and on…

But most importantly, we are thankful for our incredible community of Wilde Women. (That’s you!) And, in the spirit of incredible, powerful, change-making women like yourselves, we thought we’d take this opportunity to serve up some of our favorite quotes from inspiring #girlbosses. Because you’re never too full for an extra helping of female empowerment (even on Thanksgiving).

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“Our instinct is to think about the bad things happening in our lives. But at the end of the day, it’s always more about the people who love you.” – Zendaya


mindy kaling

“Sometimes you just have to put on lip gloss and pretend to be psyched.” – Mindy Kaling


ellen degerenes

“The key to happiness is being happy by yourself and for yourself.” – Ellen Degeneres


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“Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.” – Shonda Rhimes


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“I’ve never met a woman who is not strong. They don’t exist.” – Diane von Furstenberg


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“In the future there will be no female leaders. There will be just be leaders.” – Sheryl Sandberg


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“The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.” – Beyoncé


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“Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” – J. K. Rowling


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“Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.” – Michelle Obama


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“You live but once; You might as well be amusing.” – Coco Chanel


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“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem



“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai


maya angelou

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angelou


For more inspiration from powerful females, check out the story of Harper Wilde founders, Jane Fisher and Jenna Kerner. And don’t forget to learn more about how you can help us #LiftUptheLadies.

Gift a Lift Inspiration

4 Ladies in Your Life Who Deserve a Lift

Need a few suggestions for where to send your Gift a Lift? We’ve got you covered. Read on for some ideas of how to lift up a few ladies who’ve been lifting you up in different ways all year.

Gift a Lift to Your Mom
For picking up your call when you forgot how to adult and need her to teach you the difference between an HMO and a PPO.

Gift a Lift to Your Yoga Instructor
For patiently adjusting your extended triangle pose over and over again (and for never laughing when you fall out of tree pose… over and over again.)

Gift a Lift to Your Work Wife
For always being willing to meet you in the ladies’ room when you need to vent about the mansplainer in the office.

Gift a Lift to Your BFF
Hell, throw in a bottle of wine too. She deserves it.

This holiday season, let’s #LiftUpTheLadies.


Gift a Lift (Black Friday / Cyber Monday)

Give Back is the New Black…Friday!

This Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we’ve decided to take a different approach to this whole “holiday” by focusing on what really matters: giving thanks.

Thanksgiving is about showing appreciation for the people in your life that have lifted you up. That’s why we’re thrilled to share with you our Gift a Lift campaign!

Here’s how Gift a Lift works:

  1. Place an order on Harper Wilde between November 24, 2017 and November 27, 2017
  2. Get a free Harper Wilde bra* to gift to anyone you want! Pick the friend, coworker, or family member who’s lifted you up the most, and lift them up in return. (Or gift it to yourself – we won’t tell)
  3. Feel good about practicing retail therapy and gratitude at the same time
*Terms and Conditions: Offer ends on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 11:59pm PT. Your gift will be sent to your friend via email on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 as a promotional code (expires December 31, 2017). Code is not valid with any other offer. Code cannot be returned, exchanged for cash or used for any other purpose.


Gift a Lift Inspiration

Need a few ideas for lovely ladies in your lift that deserve a lift? We’ve got your gifting inspiration right here. Check out our latest blog post: 4 Ladies in Your Life that Deserve a Lift

5 Women-Run Companies We’re Loving Right Now

There are few things we, at Harper Wilde, love more than a fairly-priced, well-made bra. Counted among those few, though, is definitely a clever female entrepreneur. (We can’t imagine why!) Here, we’ve collected five of our favorite women-run companies. Read on, be impressed, and give credit where credit is [majorly] due.



In a world of mass production, unique and inspired pieces can be hard to come by. Enter: Of a Kind. Run by two University of Chicago grads, Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur, Of A Kind is an online platform dedicated to featuring and supporting emerging designers. From jewelers to seamstresses, potters, and beyond, Cerulo and Mazur work closely with each designer they feature, telling their stories and selling a selection of their limited-edition works of art. Definitely browse the current selection, but also make sure to listen to their weekly podcast, A Few Things, to delve into the musings and meanderings of a couple funny, quirky creatives.



Tackling drool and human trafficking is all in a day’s work for Laura Acevedo of Matimati. With every bib the company sells, Acevedo donates a percentage of the profits to Chain Reaction — a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing child victims of human trafficking. Did we mention that the bibs, which are bandana-shaped, are also incredibly stylish, absorbent, and soft? Oh, baby!

Scouted Home


Brittany Kohli and Ashley Scott are looking to help you make your house feel like home — one interesting, unique, and stylish piece at a time. The best friends behind the new full service interior styling company — Scouted Home — pride themselves on blending the vintage with the modern to take clients’ personal styles and translate them to their living spaces. They offer a variety of decorating services, from Full Service Design to helping you select finishing touches, accommodating each and every budget. And if you aren’t sold yet, check out their recent feature on Apartment Therapy. Moody floral accent wall? Sign us up.



Travel has always been en vogue, but Steph Korey and Jen Rubio have managed to bring luggage back in style, as well. The ex-Warby Parker employees and founders of AWAY have coupled fashion with function in their affordable suite of rolling suitcases. Not only are the bags sleek in design and available in multiple sizes and colors, but they also charge your phone and have a lifetime guarantee. (Yes, we said lifetime.) Definitely worthy of ‘travel hack’ status for every jetsetter.



Rony Vardi: Brooklyn resident, bona-fide cool girl, and midi ring-stacker extraordinaire. If you haven’t heard of Vardi and her indie jewelry boutique, Catbird, get ready to swoon amid a sea of all things delicate and gold. Based in the hippest of all hip neighborhoods, Williamsburg, Catbird has developed a cult following, including Emma Watson, Kate Bosworth, and Priyanka Chopra. If that’s not good company to be in, we don’t know what is. See for yourself. Fair warning, though: It is very hard to stop at just one Catbird ring.

For more #girlboss inspiration, check out the story of Harper Wilde’s founders, Jane Fisher and Jenna Kerner.

15 Surprising Facts About Girls’ Education

Harper Wilde is about more than great bras; we’re a women-run company helping to empower other women across the globe. And we know that a strong, empowered woman is the product of an educated young girl.

With helpful information from the UNESCO eAtlas of Gender Inequality in Education, we put together a list of facts about modern day education trends — some of which just might surprise you. Take a minute to take a look (and feel free to share your newfound knowledge with other #WildeWomen!)

  1. There are approximately 61 million children ages 6 to 11 years old not in school. 32 million of these children are girls
  2. Even though we have made a ton of progress over the past 20 years, girls are still more likely than boys to never make it to the classroom. And 15 million girls will never get the chance to learn to read or write in primary school (compared to about 10 million boys)
  3. 757 million adults and 115 million youths are illiterate. Two-thirds of those are women
  4. However, the girls who manage to enroll in school usually persist, even if they must repeat grades

    © World Bank/C. Carnemark
  5. Studies have found that having a female teacher can be very positive for girls’ school attendance and learning achievement. And globally, the percentage of female teachers in primary school has gone up from 56% in 1990 to 64% in 2014.
  6. A girl starting school today in southern Asia typically receives 11 years of education (compared to six years in 1990)
  7. A girl starting school today in sub-Saharan Africa typically receives about nine years of schooling (while boys usually receive 10), which includes time spent repeating grade levels
  8. For every 100 boys enrolled in primary school in Afghanistan and Sudan, there are only about 70 girls

    © World Bank/S. Wallace
  9. Women have been surpassing men when it comes to completing post-high school education in most countries (77%) since 1990
  10. There are now more women getting Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees than men. However, there are still gender disparities when it comes to more advanced degrees, which leads to fewer than 30% of the world’s researchers being female

    © World Bank/S. McCourtie
  11. Women are more likely than men to graduate from concentrations in education, humanity and arts, social sciences, business and law, and health and welfare
  12. Men still outnumber women in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  13. At 45%, Latin American and the Caribbean have the highest percentage of female researchers. At 23%, Asia has the lowest percentage of female researchers
  14. There are more women researchers than men researchers in the following countries: Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Myanmar, New Zealand, Paraguay, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia and Venezuela
  15. In 2015 at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, Member States pledge that they would adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (otherwise known as Sustainable Development Goal 4). With this agenda,  governments have committed to eliminating gender disparities and ensure that every child is in school and learning by 2030

Looking to support girls education? You’re in luck, because so are we. That is why we are proud to call The Girl Project our official Social Impact Partner. Our donations to The Girl Project will help girls in over 120 countries gain access to the education they deserve.

In addition to supporting education, The Girl Project leads initiatives that tackle the bigger issues preventing girls from getting the education they deserve, like poverty and gender-biased violence. Join us as we seek to educate girls, further building on our mission to build the next generation of leading ladies.


UNESCO eAtlas of Gender Inequality in Education, 2017