4 Ladies in Your Life Who Deserve a Lift

Need a few suggestions for where to send your Gift a Lift? We’ve got you covered. Read on for some ideas of how to lift up a few ladies who’ve been lifting you up in different ways all year.

Gift a Lift to Your Mom
For picking up your call when you forgot how to adult and need her to teach you the difference between an HMO and a PPO.

Gift a Lift to Your Yoga Instructor
For patiently adjusting your extended triangle pose over and over again (and for never laughing when you fall out of tree pose… over and over again.)

Gift a Lift to Your Work Wife
For always being willing to meet you in the ladies’ room when you need to vent about the mansplainer in the office.

Gift a Lift to Your BFF
Hell, throw in a bottle of wine too. She deserves it.

This holiday season, let’s #LiftUpTheLadies.


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